Christmas & New Year Indulgence Tip 6 & 7 Hangover

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TIP 6: Curing the hangover! You’ve gone and done it again, enjoying the atmosphere, feeling the moment, and just thrown caution to the wind! First rule, never drink on an empty stomach – eat some protein before the festive night starts. If you cant eat a full meal, eat a protein snack such as peanut butter, […]

Christmas & New Year indulgence – Tip 3, 4 & 5

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TIP 3:  At this time we feel ready to stop, rest up, relax, watch loads of TV, stay on the sofa for longer, eat and drink loads and feel like we deserve that time off. Well, yes, we do, it is after all part of the Christmas & New Year indulgence, family time, but it does […]

CHRISTMAS & New Year indulgence. TIP 1& 2

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Christmas & New Year indulgence. Are you fed up with always saying ‘I need to go on a diet in the new year’, I’m going to get Christmas and New Year over and then I start on January 2nd’. Its the same old story really, and must be driving you nuts year on year!  Well, […]

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